Oooooooh I do love holidays - just lazing in the sun - then going dancing every night - whilst drinking lots of rum (although this does tend to spill it)

Is it true echoes can't hear - the quacking of a duck? - perhaps that's why the stupid things - just quack away like fuck!?

I had a slide in my back yard - it was tremendous fun - I went down it the other day - and ripped off half my bum

I've had so many holidays - my memories not clear - it could be brandy, rum or coke - or vodka wine or beer

Thailand is a wonderous place - so full of dance and song - and if you go into a bar - do ask to play ping pong

Grumpy people get me down - they always seem so deary - I think they need their nipples tweaked - (well that's my latest theory)

I believed I was "The One" - but had to go much higher! - some people nailed me to a cross - and called me their "Messiah!" (but I'm just a naughty boy)

Remembering the mountains - can have its tricky bits - you know, at least, that they're not flat - they look like massive tits

Accidents are 'innocent'! - there's no-one there to blame! - so drag your broken legs way! - behind your zimmer frame!

What is it with you lot? - you don't respect a thing! - while squirrels die all over town - you fiddle with your ring!

Anyone can be the same - it's easy if you want - just go and change your DNA - you stupid gormless C**T!

I knew some girls who lived near me - their fingertips were blistered - then I found out their proper name - they were the Pointer sisters!
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